Jordan Devan
Block Entry: February
STD’s on College Campuses
In today’s world, sex is taken for granted by people, many
being by young adults. Sex in college is
handed out like candy on Halloween, in my opinion, and without thought. Little do people know is that along with sex come
consequences that can put you at risk for life.
People are quick to think they won’t catch something by some meaningless
sex with someone they “think” they know, but it’s a very serious subject that
even I wasn’t aware of. Some studies
show that in every four college students, one person has an STD. There is an
idea that most college students possess that the best sex is done people that want
to “go raw” and not use a condom. This is a very unwise decision because people
live in the moment and don’t think twice about what the possibility of your
partner having an STD especially if you do not know the person. It is shocking
to realize that statistically only 54 percent of students use condoms and that’s
just for regular intercourse. Elite
Daily has a great article with 10 facts college students should know about STD’s.
It’s also incredibly astonishing to
know that colleges literally passed out free condoms all the time and students
can even go to RA’s and ask for free condoms and students still don’t jump to
that opportunity. In the moment of a crazy night, drunk and with an attractive
guy, you can’t stop people when it comes to sex. In reality, a guy that a girl may get with
says has gotten with 3 different girls. Those three girls each have had two
partners each. That girl hypothetically is having sex with all those people and
more. It’s that easy for an STD to spread and mess your life up. A scary fact is HPV is the number one
sexually transmitted disease on college campuses. A vaccine is available for
people too and that’s not even being taken advantage of. The amount of awareness that college students
can receive on campus for free is unlimited and its sad to see so many people
still catch STD’s. A big problem is the
fact people think they can see a STD walking right by them. In my opinion, I think students need to be
more aware of how easy it is to catch something and in the end, it’s not worth
sex or any sexual activity to catch a disease.
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